
Papa France x Baby Reader (Part 3)

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125 E5921f10b4ce31d4e60a7ab943ebc1c2 by crazzzychic

You were still crying when England for to his house and carried you upstairs. You wanted to scream and run and hide, but you were too exhausted from crying and your busy day you had today. He sat you on a bed then sighed.
"What's your name, poppet?" England asked making you look away. "I know you're mad at me for taking you away from France, but that git wasn't good for you."
"I WANT MY PAPA!" You yelled making him cringe from your screams.
"Look, I'm not taking you back, you're staying with me and that's final. Now be a good girl and go to sleep and we can talk in the morning," England said trying to silence you.
"NO! I WANT MY PAPA NOW!" You yelled again ready to start having a temper tantrum when a small green flying bunny flew in and landed in your lap. "W-who are you?"
"I'm Flying Mint Bunny. Why are you upset?" The bunny asked confused.
"H-he took me away from papa!" You said letting more tears fall.
"England!" The bunny yelled looking at him.
"It was for her own good!" England said sounding shocked. "Look just calm her down and get her to bed then we can talk."
The bunny sighed, but nodded and England left you both alone in the room to go to his room.
"Now's my chance to go back to papa!" You said grinning before the bunny stopped you.
"Wait! It's dark and you're tired. Won't you please stay tonight and then I can help you get home tomorrow?" The bunny begged.
"You promise you'll help?" You asked and she nodded making you sigh before she tucked you into the bed and snuggled close to you as you drifted off to sleep dreaming about your papa.

France's 3rd person POV (point of view)

Francis was in his office doing paperwork when he heard what sounded like you screaming. Worried he jumped up and ran to your room to find you gone and your window wide open.
"______________! ________________! _____________, where are you zis isn't funny!" He yelled frantically searching everywhere in your room, but finding nothing. "She's gone! Ma petite princesse a disparu! Non! Ce n'est pas le cas! Qui ferait- ENGLAND! (My little princess is gone! No! Who would do- ENGLAND!)" Francis said frantically as it dawned on him who would take you.
Quickly, he ran downstairs and grabbed his phone. England may have taken Canada from him, and he may torment Francis all he wishes, but Francis was not about to lose you too! He knew he would need help to get you back though, and there was only two people he knew could help at a time like this; if they weren't drunk that is: Spain and Prussia. He called Spain first hoping he was home.
"Hola! France aren't you suppose to be in bed with mi little chica already?" Spain joked.
"She's gone!" Francis almost yelled still upset.
"Que?! (What?!)" Spain said shocked.
"England zook 'er! Please I need your 'elp!" France begged.
"I'll be over in a few, and I'll bring Prussia with me." Spain said before France heard him yell, "Prussia! Change of plans we have to go save our niece!"
France sighed and sat the phone down as he started pacing worrying about you. You had never been away from him longer then a few hours and even then you were only with Canada, or your uncle Spain and uncle Prussia. He would never trust you with England. Why England even crossed the line and kidnapped you was a mystery to your panicking papa. He did know one thing for sure though, if England hurt you, it would be the last thing he ever did, heck, Francis was still considering eliminating England for taking you in the First place! His door swinging open followed by Spain and Prussia running inside stopped France's pacing.
"Vhat is going on?!" Prussia asked still confused.
"ENGLAND ZOOK _____________ ZAT'S WHAT! NOW ARE YOU GOING TO 'ELP ME OR NON?!" Francis yelled annoyed by his friend's lack of knowledge on what was going on.
"Chico calm down. That's why we came, Prussia just couldn't understand me so he asked you, "Spain said trying to calm Francis down.
"Vell vat are ve standing here for? Mien awesome niece needs rescuing!" Prussia yelled grabbing his friends and dragging them out of the house and towards England's.
As annoyed as Francis was he was relieved his friends were there with him. Now all he had to do was come up with a plan to save you, and of course hurting England never hurt anything right?

Your POV thingy

You were sound asleep when loud noises outside your room woke you up and scared you. You sat up and started to cry again. Where was your papa that had promised he would always protect you and never let anything bad happen to you?! You heard that England guy yelling and you hid in fear under the covers, flying mint bunny disappearing when you had jumped up.
"VHERE IS SHE?" A voice that sounded a lot like uncle Gilly (Prussia) yelled.
"Si! Tell us now before before I let this angry country go and he goes crazy on you!" Uncle Spain? Said.
"England, you 'ave zree seconds to 'and over __________ before I-" your papa threatened making you scream in delight that they hand came to rescue you.
"PAPA! PAPA!" You yelled running to the door and trying to open it, but you were too short to reach the handle. "PAPAAAA!"
"___________?!" Your papa said before you heard a thud followed by England fussing. "Shut it! ____________ sweetly where are you?"
"In here!" You called before the door swung open and Francis ran in and scooped you up into his arms. "Papa!"
"I was so worried!" He whispered holding you close to him seeming terrified he'd lose you again.
You couldn't speak you just let him hold you as you hugged yourself closer to him and cried into his shoulder.
"Shh Mon cher (my dear) you're ok, oui?" He asked and you nodded. "Good, now let's get you 'ome."
"W-what about that man that took me?!" You asked panicking as you clung to him for dear life.
"Ssh it's ok, your uncle Toni and uncle Gilbert are zaking care of 'im.....Zey said something about not wanting me to go to prison so I came to find you," He said seeming sad that he couldn't get his hands on England.
"Papa?" You whispered as he carried you home.
"Oui?" He asked cradling you protectively.
"Am I still your big girl?" You asked yawning.
"Oui," he anwsered laughing softly as you walked into your house and to his room.
"I get to stay with you?" You asked hopeful and he smiled and nodded as he sat you on the bed, only to have you tackle hug him. "Je t'aime papa! Je t'aime (i love you!)!"
"Je t'aime aussi (I love you too)," he whispered as he laid beside you and you snuggled closer to him quickly falling asleep as he watched you happy he had his little angel back and that no one would ever separate the two of you again.

Back at England's house
"So Spain vat vill Ve ever do to him?" Prussia asked smirking.
"Make him eat his own cooking?" Spain asked grinning.
"Nien! Ve can't kill him!" Prussia almost shouted.
"Hey! I'll have you gits know my cooking is amazing!" England said sounding upset.
"You burned cereal! How is that amazing cooking?" Spain asked smirking.
"Ve could take his vital regions," Prussia suggested making England grow wide eyed.
"Hm na he'd enjoy that to much," Spain said sighing.
"Zen vat can Ve do?"Prussia asked and Spain shrugged as they tried to come up with another plane of what to do to him for taking you.
(So what did the awesome Prussia and sexy Spain do to England you ask? The world may never know :> ..... unless I do a part 4)

Here's the much awaited part 3 :D I hope you like it! I don't own you or any of the hetalia characters :)

Part 4 :D.
© 2013 - 2024 crazzzychic
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JaiGamerx2's avatar
I love the bad touch trio